Cenote Underwater Photoshoot – Herman The Water Dancer
When we think of a model, even more so if an underwater model, we immediately think of a woman. But occasionally there are also exceptions. And that’s what we thought when we received the request from Herman.
In a few days, he was going to spend a long weekend in Tulum and, after stumbling upon one of our underwater pictures on Instagram, he had decided to contact us.
Cenote Underwater Photoshoot
Most of our sessions are Underwater Trash The Dress photoshoots. Therefore, we are very used to portraying men underwater as well, but as part of a couple. And because of the adage “It’s all about the bride”, although no less important, men are often a kind of supplement next to the bride.
So when we met Herman on the morning of the agreed day, we immediately wondered what poses we would have asked him to do.
It was a dark and rainy day (but who cares about the rain if the shooting is underwater), and – as we always do before entering the water – we started with a short briefing.
We gave him advice on facial expression, how to leave his eyes open, and explained what to do to go down easier.
Cenote Underwater Photoshoot Tulum
Herman had no modelling experience, least of all underwater. Therefore he listened very carefully and asked us some questions. We immediately understood how strongly motivated he was.
To make the long story short, we realized there were all the elements for a good photo shoot.

Cenote Underwater Photoshoot Tulum
Cenote Underwater Photoshoot Tulum
Only a week later, we would have learned that the idea of modelling underwater also had deeper motivations than just having fun. Herman would have told us about a book that he had finished reading a few days earlier, that was having enormous success among African Americans: The Water Dancer, by Ta-Nehisi Coates.
And that’s what he was from the very first shots, an extraordinary water dancer. Definitely, that book had added a touch of magic to the whole photoshoot.

Cenote Underwater Photoshoot Tulum

Cenote Underwater Photoshoot Tulum

Cenote Underwater Photoshoot Tulum
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Cenote Underwater Photoshoot Tulum

Cenote Underwater Photoshoot Tulum

Cenote Underwater Photoshoot Tulum

Cenote Underwater Photoshoot Tulum
Cenote Underwater Photoshoot Tulum
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This is the comment Herman shared on Facebook
How did I end up in a cenote underwater?
After being constrained by societal pressure, over the course of the past 9 months, and just simply forgetting how to live in the quest to stay alive, I jumped at the chance to start travelling again. And, what better way to document your travels than to have good pictures taken and you be the one not having to take them.
Inspired by the postings of other travellers to the Mayan Riviera area, I became marvelled at the idea of doing not only a photo shoot in a cenote, but an underwater shoot, at that. Additionally, I was finishing up the book, “The Water Dancer,” by Ta-nehisi Coates, and wanted to pay homage by having my photos be a visual expression of the book.
I thoroughly researched various companies in the area that offered underwater shooting; however, not that many either responded to quote requests or their picture quality looked granular or underproduced. I settled on Sebi Messina Photography. I was drawn in by the bold colours, striking images, and awesome editing that I had seen in the results of other customers. I was sold! I booked my shoot to occur during my Dec 2020 trip.
Then came the rain.
In the days leading up to my trip, I started to become a bit disheartened at the prospect of things, due to the weather forecast of rain during the duration of my whole trip. Especially, during the day of my booked photo shoot! I contacted the photographer and he did his best to put me at ease, assuring me that if it did rain, it would have no bearing and the shoot would continue because he and his team would be in full scuba diving gear. In fact, he added, the rain would actually accentuate the shooting process.
Despite his best efforts, my skepticism remained. However, what’s a little adventure without a little rain? The shoot was scheduled to occur at the (vacation) early hour of 8:30 AM at one of the local cenotes and a short taxi ride away from my rented villa. I woke up on the morning of the shoot, packed my bag with swim attire (I decided to rock my banana hammock Speedo for the first time) and my clothing for the pictures (I settled on a white shirt and white pants in adherence to the photographer’s instructions). And, yes, it had already begun to rain tremendously.
I arrived at the site, still full of skepticism which quickly gave way to extreme optimism. I was met by Sebi, the photographer, and his team, given a detailed orientation and learned that the shoots are scheduled early in the day in order to maximize shooting space and opportunity for his clients. Which made great sense. I mean, who wants to be fighting other cenote visitors or swimmers for a good picture?
I changed into my photo attire and slowly entered the water. I found the temperature to be surprisingly pleasant. Using my GoPro, with Sebi’s assistant also becoming my assistant of sorts, I was able to document my experience. Despite being fully underwater, in scuba gear, Sebi was able to communicate clear directions to me regarding posing and movements in the water.
I quickly became accustomed to diving or sinking below the water surface, upon exhaling and holding my breath, having shots snapped, and returning to the surface to breathe and refresh my lungs. The experience was so enthralling that the hours passed by and I didn’t even notice the rain. Such a fun time! Sebi and his team had a boatload of props, literally a loaded paddleboard that accompanied us all over the cenote, full of fabrics, hats, and other items that I was able to use to help fulfil my vision. Also, the cenote water was crystal clear, making it very light and easy on my eyes underwater.
What do you know?! The rain stopped and the sun came out. And the day became as beautiful as my pictures. I now have an awesome experience documented and enough Instagram (and Tinder) snaps to last me for quite a time. With as affordable as this trip, including the photo shoot and other excursions have been, I’ll be back in no time!
There are two things that I learned on this trip to the Tulum area: 1) If the rain comes, it will soon go; and 2) Please let someone of good quality take your pictures. Selfie sticks won’t do you justice.
Cenote Underwater Photoshoot Tulum
This Cenote Underwater Photoshoot took place close to Tulum – Mexico.
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Underwater photoshoot Tulum