Unterwasser Fotoshooting Mexico
Thomas and Sylvia
Inevitably, after having arranged almost 200 underwater sessions, we may confuse one couple with another. Or only remember the bride and not the groom. Or vice versa.
In these cases, the only thing we can do is to find the entire session’s photos, not just those posted on our site. And only then, do we recall the details of that photoshoot and the people with whom we had the pleasure of sharing a half-day dedicated to photography, even two or three years later.
Sometimes there are couples of whom we remember almost everything, instead. This may be due to several reasons, but very often, this unexpected mnemonic capacity is connected to the origin of the couple and everything that the idea of their country of origin can arouse in us.

Unterwasserfotografie – Cenote – Mexiko
Unterwasser Fotoshooting Mexico

More than 60% of our customers are from the United States, followed by Canada, the United Kingdom (which is the only European country represented in a significant way), ending with a dozen other countries, which we can define as occasional.
Thus, from time to time, we happen to have mixed couples, in a combination of countries that are also very distant from each other. So we had Canadian-Albanian, Mexican-Slovakian, Brazilian-Japanese couples, and so on.

Unterwasserfotografie – Cenote – Mexiko
Unterwasser Fotoshooting Mexico
Unterwasser Fotoshooting Mexico

Unterwasserfotografie – Cenote – Mexiko

Unterwasser Fotoshooting Mexico

Unterwasser Fotoshooting Mexico
In the case of Thomas and Sylvia, it was instead a totally German couple. Now you will say: So what?
Well, consider that our last country of residence was Austria, where we spent more than two decades, before the giant leap to this part of the world, beyond the ocean.
And Austria and Germany (as well as German-speaking Switzerland), despite being distinct countries and proudly independent from each other, are still neighbouring nations, with a fairly similar culture and a common language (incidentally the most widely spoken mother tongue in Europe !).
Many positive aspects characterize all three countries: the quality of life in terms of public services, excellent and “free” health care, safety, just to name a few.
There are also very specific behavioural patterns, such as the huge respect for the rules, which may seem excessive if you come from a different culture. But after you live there for a while, you get used to it, it all makes a lot more sense, and you can’t imagine a different way of living.
The same happens with punctuality, the automatic habit of always being perfectly on time. And when you are not, your behaviour is rightly interpreted as a lack of respect and a form of rudeness.
Well, whether we like it or not, the years spent in the heart of Central Europe have left a consistent mark on us, although sometimes we might not be fully aware of it.
So, even here in Mexico, when we have to meet someone, we are always extremely punctual, and arriving ten or fifteen minutes early is the rule, even knowing that we will always have to wait.
That’s why arriving at the hotel (as usual in advance) and finding Thomas and Sylvia ready, dressed in white, elegant, with a bouquet in hand, and ALREADY waiting for us, seemed like a nice and pleasant back to the roots.
I would have even hugged them, and instead, brushing up my rusty German, the first thing I managed to say was: “Wie schön ist es, pünktlich zu sein!” (How nice it is to be on time).
And we both burst out laughing.
It was the beginning of an enjoyable morning, and these are the photos that came out of our underwater Trash The Dress.
Unterwasserfotografie in einer Cenote in Mexiko
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